The ladies stilt jousters have fought for the very first time on september 2022. (C)Skuds-Simon Fusillier
After more than 600 years of exclusively male jousting, the Echasseuses officially made history on September 17, 2022. Their very first joust took place at the heart of the Wallonia Festival, on Théâtre Square. Immediately embraced by the people of Namur, the Echasseuses are now part of the city’s rich intangible heritage. To mark their first joust, a new trophy was created: the Diamond Stilt. This trophy is now contested every year during the Wallonia Festival, just like the men’s Golden Stilt.  Diamond Stilt Winners:
AnnéeEchasse de diamantCompagnie
2022Manon WELSCHENAvresses
2023Lucie GROGNARDMélans
2024Célestine BEAUJOTMélans